CT-Based Lung Cancer Screening
About Lung Cancer Screening
Lung Cancer Severity: Leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. but resection of Stage 1A non-small cell lung cancer has a 62%-82% survival rate, sometimes up to 90%.
Importance of Early Detection: Directly linked to patient survival. Early lung cancer may start as small nodules (<3cm), often benign but some become malignant.
CT Scans for Nodule Detection: First step in identifying potential malignancies; however, small nodules may be missed, leading to late detection. Current automatic detection has high false positives.
Collaborative Research Effort: Farag Innovations, Kentucky Imaging Technologies, and University of Louisville team working on data-driven models to detect and characterize small lung nodules in low dose CT scans.
Model Testing: KIT is evaluating these models using extensive databases from national studies, aiming to enhance lung nodule detection and characterization, potentially improving CAD (Computer-Aided Detection) system efficacy.